Ayodhya - There and back again ?
This is regarding the recent attack on the 'Ayodhya' shrine. The attack brought the same old issues back on the table (which until yesterday were on the back burner). Here I have some honest advice for two entities - one which carried out the attack (whoever is that, I do _not_ care) and other is our second biggest national party.
Dear attackers, everyone knows why you carried out the attacks. But you are forgetting something, this is not 1990 (or even 2002), where one isolated incidence would create an upheaval in the country. Dear 'our national party', this is not the 1990 (or even 2002), where you could seize such an opportunity to advance your vote prospects.
Welcome to new India. This India does not care about some eccentric persons doing some nasty things. This India does not care about some religious zealots taking every opportunity for their own selves. This India cares about her own people. This India cares about feeding her poor children enough so that they will not die. This India cares about trying to take our impoverished brethren and sisters out into a new and brighter world. We are busy and do not have time for you.
Dear 'both the entities', The manner in which we, the 1 billion people, nearly 1/6th of humanity, absolutely neglected your stupid, ridiculous and laughable attempts to disturb the harmony and advance your vote prospects (respectively and in that order of time) is enough indication for you to take some other job. May be we can do something for you.
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